Title: Supporting Katie - Part 3
Author: Tarabeth
Characters: Katie, Syd and Claire
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Syd had called my parents from the hospital.
My father was busy with his other family; it was soccer season and he said my little half sister, Whitney, would be devastated if he missed a game. He would try and come out to visit later.
I wasn’t holding my breath.
My mother, on the other hand, drove overnight and arrived early Saturday afternoon. She wouldn’t let me out of her sight, and almost needed to be touching me at all times. It had been barely 24 hours when she started her ‘Woe is me my daughter was raped routine. Someone please come pamper me.’ She was requiring more care and support than me.
Syd was ready to give her a good swift kick in the ass--all the way back to Las Vegas, her manicurist, psychic, and pet therapy business.
Monday morning, I explained that I loved her, but I thought I would be better off if she went home.
She had a bit of a huff about my not appreciating her.
I appreciated her leaving.
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Claire was in and out of the house over the course of the weekend and the beginning of that first week.
The rape happened just around Mitch’s and her second wedding anniversary and she was four months pregnant with Dominic.
I was in my room, hiding under the covers when Claire arrived Tuesday evening. She came into my room carrying a tray of chicken noodle soup, a tuna sandwich, and a nice tall glass of water.
I ate part of the sandwich, about half of the soup and drank the water. Claire climbed into bed next to me and began to rub my back. I fell asleep at some point during the backrub and awoke Wednesday morning to her spooning me, and the feel of her small baby bump on my back.
I felt safe, loved, and supported.
Claire was there again on Wednesday night…and Thursday night…and Friday night, rubbing my back until I fell asleep, and spooning me in the morning.
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